#1207 – 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2

(604) 669-2724


Qingdao Waterfront

Date: 2004 – 2005
Client: Qingdao Municipal Government

As prime consultant, Urbanics coordinated the work of urban planners, urban designers, and other consultants in evolving a major, CBD-related waterfront, mixed-use project (a former shipyard) involving over 100 acres of both public and private sector land uses including public amenities, festive settings, marinas and arts and cultural pursuits.

The 2008 Olympic Sailing events were held in Fushan Bay, near Qingdao’s cultural and commercial center. The facilities on land occupy an area of 45 hectares. The area includes a training center, Olympic village, athlete center, a boat park, news center, international passenger liner wharf, international conference center, international yachting club, seaside marina, along with many parks and garden areas.